Drain Unblocking

Got a blocked drain in Hamilton? Call iPlumber!

As drainage specialists we fix drainage problems before they get worse…
We can also identify the cause of the drainage issue, and help you avoid it in the future.

Blocked Drain Warning Symptoms

Some symptoms of a blocked drain aren’t obvious – don’t wait until dirty water is flooding your house before you take action.

If you notice any of the symptoms below a drain blockage may be developing.

If you do notice any of these signs, contact iPlumber as soon as possible and a member of our team will be in touch.

We also work with specialist contractors who have jet units & drain cameras for large drains


iPlumber are the proud recipients of New Zealand Master Plumber of the Year Award for 2020 and we were also Waikato Master Plumber of the Year for 2019
Contact iPlumber

Specialist Drain Clearing Tool

Specialist Drain Clearing Tool

NavMan Logo

Navman monitors the exact location of the entire fleet in real time.

Fleet visibility assists with getting the closest technician to the job in the shortest amount of time, as well as providing accurate reportable activity and job costing, saving you money.

Master Plumbers

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